Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ajax Star Abdelhak Nouri Wakes Up From 3 Year Coma

After two years and nine months in coma, Ajax Star Abdelhak Nouri wakes up!

The twenty-two-year-old football player had a cardiac arrhythmia attack in July 2017 and collapsed in the field, and suffered severe cerebrum damage because of the incident. 

A Dutch site states that Nouri is currently fine and that he can rest, eat, glare and burp but with assistance. 

Abdelhak's sibling Abderrahim said that the footballer is progressing and lives in a house specially prepared for his case, and they communicate not through words or signals but by raising their eyebrows. 

The best update is that he can watch football and even reacts to it. 

Abdelhak's dad Mohammed said "Appie"(his nickname) and his family had experienced a "genuine trial", and added: "We need to deal with him at our absolute best. " 

The news is amazing since the family was informed in July 2017 that he had no possibility of recovery!
