Friday, March 27, 2020

Can Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread Through Respiration Machines?

One of the main concerns confronting emergency clinics and hospitals is the limited supply of ventilators, since they predict that COVID-19/coronavirus cases will increase. Medical clinics and hospitals in Italy hold a very big number of patients with respiratory problems, where doctors are put in very difficult and overwhelming positions; they need to choose who gets a ventilator and who doesn't. 

How ventilators work?

Ventilators push air all through the lungs through cylinders down the patients' aviation routes when they experience difficulty in breathing all alone. The medical gadgets can have the: volume of air provided, the pace of breathing, the measure of oxygen and the weight varying adjusted by the nurse or the person in charge.

In the U.S., crisis plans and measures were made by states because of the ventilator shortage, where they will use other specialized pressure machines to help hospitalized individuals with less serious breathing issues. 

In a way, the plan that the U.S took can extend the stockpile of ventilators and spare lives but it has a significant disadvantage. Researchers have known for quite a long time that when utilized with a face cover, such gadgets can spread the illness and infection(in this case coronavirus), regardless of whether utilized in a medical clinic or at home. 
