Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hantavirus! Should We Worry?

No, the world isn't going to get hit with a hantavirus pandemic, as well. 

A man in China died from the hantavirus, which is one of a group of infections spread by rodents that can cause malady in people. The man from Yunnan Province in southwest China was going east by transport to Shadong Province, and the 32 others that were board are being examined for hantavirus, as indicated by the state-run Global Times paper.

Dr. Tania Elliott from NYU Langone Health in Manhattan revealed that hantavirus has really been around for quite a while, "for centuries," and that it is generally predominant in China with somewhere in the range of 16,000 to 100,000 cases per year. 
Unlike the coronavirus (which spreads through sneezes and coughs), the hantavirus is spread by contact with mice and their saliva and secretions. So staying away from the hantavirus essentially comes down to maintaining a strategic distance from contact with rodents, Dr. Elliott said.
