Friday, April 3, 2020

Face Masks, Health Experts' Opinions

Is it good for you or not to wear a face mask during the coronavirus epidemic? This is what health specialists state:

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

The association suggests that, you don't have to wear a face mask except if you are helping an infected person. However, if you are infected by the virus, you have to wear a face mask when you are with others, or sharing a room or vehicle with someone.

The World Health Organization:

WHO recommends to wear a cover if you are infected by the virus, or you are taking care of and infected individual. The organization doesn't recommend the whole population to wear a face mask.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, from the National Institute of Allergy:

Dr. Anthony said the social distancing can't be substituted by wearing face masks, yet rather can be a higher level of precautions.

CNN's Sanjay Gupta:

He clarified that masks could help individuals who have coronavirus from spreading the infection. The best approach to consider this mask issue is that it's not still for individuals who are not contaminated. This is more for individuals who are contaminated without there knowledge, and to attempt to bring down the probability that they will spread this to another person.
